Still have questions?
What can aicademy do? +
aicademy gives you multiple different modes. You can always ask any question and get a personalized answer or get beautiful essays in your own style, but you can also generate practice questions and flashcards on any topic you want. You can even connect your school account, including through Canvas, and automatically get answers and essays based on your assignments! Soon, you’ll be able to get notes automatically from any lecture video and even apply for scholarships, internships, and jobs with one click while getting personalized documents such as cover letters.
How much does it cost? +
You can get started for free! Just create your account and start your free trial. If you decide aicademy is great, you can continue for just $9.99 per month and cancel anytime.
Still have questions?
Why should I use aicademy over ChatGPT? +
ChatGPT can be easily discovred with AI detection tools. Many institutions are now using them to catch students off guard! Additionally, ChatGPT is designed to be conversational, whereas our model is designed to output scholarly text. aicademy lets you upload your own writing sample and get essays that sound just like you!
How does aicademy avoid being detected? +
aicademy is centered around your own words. When you upload your own writing sample, our AI model will replicate your word choice, complexity, tone, and other factors to generate an output that any reader will believe is your own. It’s not just humans that can’t detect aicademy, though; just put it into any AI detector and see for yourself!
What else can aicademy do? +
aicademy gives you multiple different modes. You can always ask any question and get a personalized answer or get beautiful essays in your own style, but you can also generate practice questions and flashcards on any topic you want. You can even connect your school account, including through Canvas, and automatically get answers and essays based on your assignments! Soon, you’ll be able to get notes automatically from any lecture video and even apply for scholarships, internships, and jobs with one click while getting personalized documents such as cover letters.
How much does it cost? +
You can get started for free! Just create your account and start your free trial. If you decide aicademy is great, you can continue for just $9.99 per month and cancel anytime.